Our Scope

Our Scope of Work

OUR SCOPE : We being Engineers & Managers provide Professional consultancy Services in the areas of Waste Management ( Municipal waste & Industrial waste), Net zero Building's design & General Project Management of all kinds of Major Projects.

We have world wide connections in the waste Management sector whose technologies can be brought into India & implemented fruitfully.

We connect the Vendors, Investors, service providers, technology providers & the end-users in a way that breakthorugh's & solutions are developed & ensure success of all stake-holders.

Observation & Implementation of the relevant International Codes & norms is a pre-requisite, updating technological developments through networking, Research & Development, evolving Govt Policies & satisfying multiple stakeholders all at the same time is challenging & made Possible. We are striving to bring down the scale of the Projects & implement the waste Management at the grassroots level.

Educating the masses on Climate control/Carbon Foot Print & to get People become concious of everything they do on a day to day basis, is an herculean task & we have set out to do just that.


Renewable Energies - Various Sectors
- Practical solutions

Practical solutions


Waste to Energy


Practical solutions

Collect & Isolate Co2

Carbon Capture


Pump carbon into concrete

Manufacture synthetic oil's and products

Practical solutions

Alternate to Petroleum coke

Alternate to fertilizers for soil stablization

Carbon credits

Displacement of Co2

Practical solutions

Waste to Energy

Effluent treatment

Treat and Dispose

Practical solutions

Ammonia Manufacture

Fuel cells/ Fill in Automobiles

Fetilizer Manufacture

Practical solutions

Li-ion Batteries for solar/wind/EV's/energy storage

Na-ion Batteries

NH4 cracker & H2 Batteries

Sodium Batteries

Metal-ion Batteries

Practical solutions

Energy Management

Water harvesting storage & Recycling

Building materials and specifications

Usage of required materials & of favourable thermal conductivity

Practical solutions

Animal waste pelletization

Usage as compost fertilizer

Biogas production

Meat rendering

Practical solutions

Agri-waste pelletization

Pellets to fertilizer

Biofuels and Biogas production- To use in Vehicles & machinery

We're Renewable Energy Consultancy Company
Call our support team at +91-9886012788 +971-555708367

Are you the govt authority who has the responsibility to take care of the waste created by the public?

Are you a community entrusted to cater to the waste of the Community?

Are you an Investor who intends to involve oneself in the commercial opportunities in the waste Industry?

Are you the technology solutions Provider to eliminate waste associated Problems?

Are you the Vendor or the buyer of the end-products generated by waste treatment/conversion plants?

Are you the Citizen who wants to see all the stake holders come together for a common cause - To minimize environmental damage & create a better Planet. Let us talk on this


Municipal waste

Solid waste treatment & Management. We can provide technologies for solid waste handling, treatment (including medical waste & dead animals) and re-cycling (including land fill mining), we connect with the Govt's/Municipal authorities the Investors and technology providers who are willing to handle the waste treatment & it's convert to appropriate end-products, if possible, under BOOT (Build-own-operate-Transfer). We strive to identify private participants willing to join hands with the Municipal authorities for handling & treating waste of all kinds & quantities.

Agricultural waste

Also called as Agro-waste or Bio-mass. This waste is mainly all agricultural waste generated from crops (like Rice Husk, Corn-cobs, sugarcane waste etc), plantations (like coffee pulp, fruit wastes, palm waste etc.), garden/forests, (all kinds of tree waste including dead trees), farms (cow manure, poultry manure, dead animals etc). These wastes, depending on the type of waste can be converted to bio-gas, bio-fuel, bio-char, compost etc.

Industrial waste including waste water

This waste, generated mainly from processing of food, beverages and dairy products is a good material for production of bio-gas which can be converted to electricity or RNG. The Fisheries waste, depending on the type of fish can also be converted into fish oil & fish meal, which is used as animal feed and pet foods. The industrial water can be treated to reach level of purity for safe disposal to the drainage or to the natural bodies.

Tanneries waste

This waste produced during various stages processing of skins and hides of animals to produce leather, is known for high chemicals content & is found to be the cause of odour pollution and thus needs multiple treatments of liquid and solid wastes. Depending on the calorific value of the waste generated during the various stages of processing in the effluent treatment plants, the solid waste can be converted to biogas and thus energy. The liquid waste can also be treated for safe disposal.

Slaughter House waste

This is waste generated from slaughtering of sheep, poultry & cattle, can be converted to bio-gas, compost and pet foods. The liquid waste can also be treated for safe disposal. We advise on extracting the proteins from the waste (called as meat rendering) & then to treat the waste for converting into energy. We can adopt state of the art technologies made available by European companies for meat rendering & exports & finally converting the completely processed meat remains into useful energy.

Construction & demolition waste

We provide advisory services for this waste handling & re-cycling, including operations if required. We can bring together land owners/property developers, investors, technology providers and operators to ensure it becomes a successful enterprise. The necessary official clearances, and licences can also be arranged in an efficient manner.

Solar Energy & Wind Energy

Advisory services For Domestic as well as Industrial Customers, can be provided. Depending on the credit rating of the industry, investors can be brought on board to bear the capex through a power purchase agreement (PPA) in executing the roof top or ground access solar power set up or a combination of both for no less than 500kVa rating capacity for the industry.


Provision of & Operating Electric Vehicles Charging Ports. We can source Mobile charging Ports for EV's.

Green Hydrogen Plants

We can obtain Green Hydrogen manufacturing kits/plants for the manufacture of Green Hydrogen for sale to Ammonia Manufacturer's & to Hydrogen filling stations to fill Hydrogen into Automobiles.

Miscellaneous Waste

Any other waste that needs to be handled using technology, especially industrial waste like petrochemical waste, or waste pertaining to a particular industry like the oil industry, stone quarries, mining pollution, soil remediation etc, shall be handled & appropriate advisory/consultancy services can be provided.

Carbon Zero Building

We are seriously considering to diversify our area of work to Carbon neutral Architecture - as the way forward in constructing buildings of the future. Environmental degradation is amongst the most concerning issues for humankind on a global level. Continuous Pollution of natural resources, depletion of green areas, & excessive consumption of naturally occurring materials without thinking about their replenishment are leading to a world that is hazardous & life threatening. Architecture is an integral part of our existence & is also held responsible for causing harm to mother nature with its carbon- emitting materials & construction methods. The second largest contributor to urban green- house gas emissions & urban heat islands is the energy used in buildings. The world's major cities account for 70% of carbon di-oxide emissions as per a report of the survey conducted in 2013.
Carbon zero Architecture or net zero architecture is the preferably adopted method that significantly reduces carbon emission & is highly efficient. The effective design technics & energy efficiency measures reduces the overall energy demand of a design. Carbon-neutral architecture is defined as one designed with reduced energy consumption and the resources being utilized to meet the required demands using low carbon energy. The architects aim to equalize the net energy production & consumption of a building to achieve an environmentally conscious design.
Buildings form a major part of the ecosystem & hence 40% of the total energy used in the world is consumed by the buildings. Of the raw materials being produced for various purposes, 30% of the total is being consumed by the buildings. Buildings consume 25% of the total timber harvested every year and produce 40% of the domestic solid waste. Also, buildings account for 50% of the ozone depletion. Therefore, designing a high performance & environment-savvy structure is the need of the hour


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