Global Green House Gas Emissions by Sector
In 2016, humans were responsible for 49.4 gigatons of Co2 equivalent emissions

Energy 36.1 gigatons


Road Transport


Residential Buildings


Other Industry


Unallocated Fuel Combustion


Iron and Steel


Commercial Buildings


Fugitive Emissions from energy productions


Chemical & petrochemical




Energy in Agriculture & Fishing




Non-Ferrous Metals


Paper & Pulp








Food & Tobacco

Agriculture, Forestry and Land use 9.08 gigatons


Livestock & Mannure


Agricultural Soils


Crop Burning






Rice Cultivation



Industry 2.56 gigatons





Waste 1.58 gigatons






We are a Renewable Energies Management Consultancy firm having a team of professionally qualified Engineers & Managers with a wide range of renewable & waste to energy Project Management Experience - From Conceiving to designing to building of the Projects. We bring together the Investors, the technology providers, the waste suppliers, the end-product purchasers, financial Institutions etc, help them design a business model & implement projects to fruition to achieve optimum rate of returns to enable the success of the project.

We begin with educating the potential stake holders in the Renewable Energies arena, apprise them of the responsibilities they have towards the environment & Climate control & to contribute their bit towards the preservation of our planet.

We help them come together, design a renewal energies business model, treat the waste management as a profit centre & thus achieve end to end solutions in handling & management of the waste.

The concept of circular economy & the fact that - waste is not a waste until it is wasted is emphasized throughout our dealings with the waste creators, the waste converters & the users of our valuable end-products created from the so- called waste.

We are the single contact point to the waste producers, Technology providers (for the utilization of the waste), purchasers of the end-products obtained after the conversion of the waste, Investors in the renewable energy business, Plant operators, in addition to assisting in sourcing the Feedstock as well as in marketing the end-product.

We also identify agencies worldwide (particularly the technology providers for the waste conversion), collaborate with them to finalize the customized solutions to meet the market requirement.

Once the business model is developed, it is executed, including relevant Govt clearances, with the active participation of all the stake holders, leading to the state-of-the-art plants, preferably operated by us resulting in satisfactory delivery of the anticipated results. In other words, we participate with the stake holders throughout the mission, to achieve all the objectives of the project.

We intend to implement the waste conversion to useful end-products &/or energy in all sectors of the various industries (see below for the range of industries we have identified), throughout the country & beyond.

We are open to a wide-ranging consultation with everyone, whether Govt or Private Managements. Meeting every one’s legitimate requirement, finding appropriate solutions by use of best technologies & to design a worthwhile business model is our ‘Forte’.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,

"It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and biosphere have occurred."

In 2016, humans released 49.4 gigatons of CO, equivalent greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. These are the sectors that drive human- caused emissions.


Since 1850, the net increase in the Earth's atmospheric carbon is the result of human activities.


Assess your portfolio's
carbon footprint
Use engagement, Proxy voting,
divestment and policy advocacy
to spur reductions in emissions
Set portfolio-wide
climate targets
Commit to climate-related
financing reporting
Align your portfolio
with your climate
Make climate change part
of risk mannagement


We, at M/s Renewable energies Management Consultancy, address the Climate Control Issues using available technologies & to the best of our abilities.

The transition towards a circular economy begins with our commitment to the planet, to people and to ourselves. It involves a recognition of our responsibility to care for the environment around us - for the betterment of our lives and those of generations ahead.

Today, we are facing a triple planetary crisis: climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Each of these crises has its own causes, symptoms and solutions, but figuring out how the world can tackle all three at the same time, with the urgency that is required, is an intimidating thought.

And when we speak broadly of the economy, industry and infrastructure, or hear technical terms like “ESG” ( Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance) or “carbon capture”, it can be easy to disconnect from the urgency of the problems being discussed.

There is no single solution to the climate change puzzle; we must all collaborate to find the macro and micro-solutions that fit together to unlock progress.

Some of the most effective solutions are also some of the most inherent and natural to our planet and to us as humans. The modern economy has been built on a linear model: taking resources, using them up and throwing them away. Now, we need to rebuild a ‘circular economy’ inspired by the life-giving resources and regenerative abundance of our Earth. This means finding new ways to reduce our use of natural materials, extend the lifecycle of the products we create, and recycle and reuse materials in perpetuity.

The realities of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss are formidable, and often feel insurmountable. But it inspires us to think of the work being done not as a complete transformation, but rather, a process of getting us back on track to living in sustainable harmony with our planet.

We need to create circular societies - including in areas like education, resources and mobility. These solutions should be designed to sustain the progress we make and have purpose at every phase of action.

We must progress together. We must not get lost in the complexity of this space, and we must remain steadfast on the ethics and true intentions in circular trade. Our focus must remain on making the best use of what we have and empowering the next generation to do better.

The youth of our world, no matter where, have creativity, ambition and determination in abundance.


"Our economic system and our planetary system are now at war. Or, more accurately, our economy is at war with many forms of life on Earth, including human life. What the climate needs to avoid collapse is a contraction in humanity's use of resources; what our economic model demands to avoid collapse is unfettered expansion. Only one of these sets of rules can be changed, and it's not the laws of nature.

So we are left with a stark choice: allow climate disruption to change everything about our world, or change pretty much everything about our economy to avoid that fate. But we need to be very clear: Because of our decades of collective denial, no gradual, incremental options are now available to us.

The bottom line is that we are all inclined to denial when the truth is too costly-whether emotionally, intellectually, or financially. As Upton Sinclair famously observed: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"

Renewables are, in fact, much more reliable than power based on extraction, since those energy models require continuous new inputs to avoid a crash, whereas once the initial investment has been made in renewable energy infrastructure, nature provides the raw materials for free.

It is a civilizational wake-up call. A powerful message-spoken in the language of fires, floods, droughts, and extinctions- telling us that we need an entirely new economic model and a new way of sharing this planet."

Where does all the carbon go
Plant $size Oceans $size Unabsorbed $size


Glass used for packaging can be recycled an endless number of times with no decrease in quality. Beginning with used and crushed mixed glass (called cullet), manufacturers can create new glass bottles using substantially less energy than starting from sand, soda ash and limestone. Traditional glass manufacturing requires heating the ingredients to 1700°C/3092 F in a furnace. Melting crushed glass is far easier.

A new technology being tested in France uses electricity instead of natural gas, meaning that the entire recycling process could use renewable energy.

Factors for measuring climate change action are
Climate Policy $size GHG Emissions $size Renewable Energy $size Energy Use $size


Professional Services

For Updates on Renewable energy storage solutions

(Watch this space)

why choose 1
why choose 1
Ammonium Battery

Zero-carbon fuel - ammonia can be burnt in an engine or used in a fuel cell to produce electricity.

why choose 2
Lithium-ion Battery

A lithium-ion battery is a family of rechargeable battery types in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge and back when charging.

why choose 3
Sodium-ion Battery

The sodium-ion battery (NIB or SIB) is a type of rechargeable battery that uses sodium ions (Na+) as its charge carriers.

why choose 3
Hydrogen Battery

A hydrogen fuel cell uses the chemical energy of hydrogen to produce electricity. It is a clean form of energy with electricity, heat and water being the only products and by-products.

Footnote 162 / Getting Started With Climate Action

Piotr Drozd, the COO of Leaders for Climate Action, posted a list on LinkedIn that expanded into a crowdsourced effort as comments were contributed. Find the original list on LinkedIn.

Individual / Citizen

  • Count Us In - a mission-based project to inspire 1 billion citizens to significantly reduce their carbon pollution and challenge leaders to deliver bold, global change
  • Do Nation - join a global community making collective pledges to build healthier habits for people and the planet
  • Good Empire app - bringing together collective action around the world aligned with 17 of the UN's sustainable development goals
  • Giki Zero - Get Informed, Know Your Impact by calculating and understanding your carbon footprint and learning about meaningful action to take
  • Joro App - empowering consumers to take actions that make a difference and build a climate positive lifestyle
  • Klima app - calculate, offset and reduce your carbon footprint
  • UN ActNow - campaign and app to take action to track lifestyle habits and make changes around 10 key areas
  • We Don't Have Time - a review and social media platform to spread climate knowledge and influence businesses, organizations, and public leaders to act on climate change
  • Bark.today - Dutch organization providing research and information to help individuals reduce their ecological footprint and build a biodiverse society
  • Ecologi - environmental organization providing a subscription model to fund climate action, grow forests, and track actions to reduce global emissions
  • Project Drawdown - solutions-oriented organization to educate and drive climate action
  • UGO - platform in partnership with Karma Volunteering to connect students with sustainable development projects and initiatives
  • TheClimateSavers - facilitating partnership and collaboration amongst people committed to decelerating climate change
  • Crowdsourcing Sustainability - community and movement driving sustainable action to reverse climate change
  • KlimaDAO - digital currency with the goal to accelerate the price appreciation of carbon assets making low-carbon technologies and carbon-removal projects more profitable


  • B Corp Climate Collective - B Corps who have committed to net zero by 2030
  • Business Declares - network of businesses declaring a climate and ecological emergency, taking purposeful action to reach carbon neutrality
  • Leaders for Climate Action - community of European entrepreneurs and business leaders accelerating progress towards the Paris Agreement goals
  • Planet Mark - providing certification and solutions for businesses to reach and validate net zero targets
  • Pledge To Net Zero - environmental industry's global commitment, requiring science-based targets from its signatories to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • SME Climate Hub - global initiative to enable SMEs to take climate action and work towards halving emissions by 2030 and net zero by 2050 or sooner
  • Tech Zero - group for tech companies committed to climate action
  • The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) - drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emissions reduction targets
  • The Chambers Climate Coalition - global forum that offers members actionable, real-world solutions and recommendations on cost-effective, sustainable business practices aligned with Paris targets
  • The Climate Pledge - cross-sector of businesses committed to reaching net zero carbon by 2040
  • B1G1 - helping businesses achieve more social impact by embedding giving activities aligned with UN SDGs into everyday business operations
  • Compare Your Footprint - provides a comprehensive carbon footprint calculator and benchmarking tool
  • Small99 - UK organization providing practical guidance for small business owners on getting to net zero
  • Sustaineers - community of business professionals committed to achieving global sustainability goals
  • TheGreenShot - app to drive sustainable film production
  • Pawprint - employee engagement tool which harnesses the energy employees already have to fight climate change and channels it towards their organization's climate targets
  • ClimateScape - open directory of companies, investors, NGOs, and other organizations that support climate solutions
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation - provides research, guidance, and training to eliminate climate change, waste, and pollution through a circular economy

Activist / Campaigner

  • 350 - global grassroots movement to end reliance on fossil fuels
  • Climate Action Network - global network of NGOs working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels
  • Climate Justice Alliance - United for a just transition.
  • The Climate Reality Project - provides climate education and action-oriented training to create Climate Reality Leaders
  • Earth Day Network - mobilizing civil society to create an environmental movement worldwide
  • European Climate Pact - EU initiative inviting people, communities, and organizations to participate in climate action
  • Extinction Rebellion - movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the climate
  • Fridays For Future - international movement of students who skip Friday classes to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders
  • Rainforest Action Network - mobilizing collective action to stop deforestation, defund fossil fuels, and support indigenous communities
  • SumOfUs - global community committed to curbing the growing power of corporations
  • Sunrise Movement - youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.
  • Make My Money Matter - campaign to ensure UK pensions are invested in climate-positive funds
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby - an international grassroots environmental group that trains and supports volunteers to build relationships with their elected representatives in order to influence climate policy

Entrepreneur / Innovator

  • Carbon13 - works with founders to build startups that can reduce carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by millions of tonnes
  • Cleantech Open - largest clean technology accelerator program in the world
  • Conservation X Labs - technology and innovation company that creates solutions to stop the extinction crisis
  • Elemental Excelerator - global non-profit at the intersection of climate, innovation, and equity
  • Katapult - investment company, focused on highly scalable impact tech startups
  • Build for Climate On Deck - 8-week sprint for experts and operators who want to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in climate tech
  • Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge - sustainability competition for start-ups from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden
  • Third Derivative - open, collaborative climate tech ecosystem that accelerates startups
  • Greentown Labs - climate tech startup incubator with locations in Boston and Houston
  • Urban Us - focused on seed-stage startups that upgrade cities for climate change
  • Build a Climate Startup - climate tech venture studio and investor based in Europe, on a mission to eliminate at least one gigaton of carbon dioxide equivalent from annual emissions
  • VertueLab - nonprofit fighting climate change by providing funding and holistic entrepreneurial support to cleantech startups
  • Active Impact Investments - driving environmental sustainability through profitable investment and accelerating the growth of early-stage climate tech companies

Employee / Contractor

  • 80,000 Hours - provides researched-based advice on careers that have the largest positive social impact
  • Work on Climate - action-oriented Slack community for people serious about climate work
  • Climate People - a sustainable climate recruiting firm
  • Climatebase - leading platform for climate careers
  • Conservation Job Board - international job board for conservation, ecology, forestry, wildlife, and fisheries
  • Green Jobs Network - global job board dedicated to social and environmental impact
  • Escape the City - purposeful jobs, courses, events & resources
  • Women in Cleantech and Sustainability - supporting women in pursuit of cleantech and sustainable careers and lifestyles
  • Planetgroups - supporting climate action in the workplace
  • Low Carbon Business School - cohort-based, online learning for employees, particularly of consumer goods companies, to learn and take climate action in their organizations
  • Terra.do - cohort-based education platform for professionals with the mission of getting 100 million people working on climate change solutions by 2030
  • Climate Change AI - an organization composed of volunteers from academia and industry to catalyze impactful work at the intersection of climate change and machine learning

City / Region / State

  • CityInSight - enables cities to explore energy and emissions scenarios for policy, finance, and infrastructure
  • ClimateView - Swedish climate action technology company that helps cities transform climate planning into progress
  • ICLEI ClearPath - an online software platform for completing greenhouse gas inventories, forecasts, climate action plans, and monitoring at the community-wide or government-operations scales
  • Futureproofed - helping cities and companies transition to a fossil-free future
  • Kausal - helps cities turn their climate goals into action through a digital platform that enables smarter collaboration around key data
  • Resilient Cities Network - brings together global knowledge, practice, partnerships, and funding to empower members to build safe and equitable cities for all